How Multiple-nets can be an inspiring way for education, online learning and distance education

Imagine! We live in a world of multiple-nets. What it means for education, online and distance education! We make connections in a variety of ways throughout our life. We also make links between various things, ideas and in multidisciplinary frames.
“If you want to be smart like Einstein, it’s all about having the proper connections”
                                             The Brain – The Ultimate Guide (pg.69)
In our teaching, learning, self-study, inventions, internet interactions, problem-solving —we make many types of connections & form links among a variety of entities. Some examples include: making connections in numerous ways and forms (such as ideas, material objects, nets of numbers, nets of ideas, social-net, cognitive-net, linguistic-nets, internet and more), on the other hand there are many links made in our brains (neuron connections)—It appears to make sense; if we emphasize on making connections in our teaching & learning, it can also increase the formation of multiple nets in our brains and as a result enhance our cognitive interactions, inspire creativity, facilitate multilingual-nets. Living in the paradigm of multiple nets can re-frame, re-examine and re-define our theory, research and practice. With more research we can understand the world of multiple-nets to further benefits for our education, creativity, distance & online learning.
The research in the field of cognitive neuroscience and education interactions has gained a lot of attention in the recent years. Making connections between various parts of the brain is leading to many research pathways. Culture also plays an important role in this context. The fascinating world of making connections has a range of inner and outer frames. Research networks from various dimensions and perspectives can be viewed from multiple lenses to compare multiple-net factors. This step can open doors for further analysis for the dimensions of theory, research and practice in a broader framework. In the world of online and distance education the role of making connections is extremely important. The educators and learners bring their own multiple-nets and through the lens of multiple nets we live in we can open doors to make multiple connections.
The research on metacognition has emphasized on thinking about self learning and identifying self strengths and weaknesses in understanding something. If we apply our power to self analyze our learning, creativity and distance learning, we will notice a world of making connections, nets and links are in and around us. We make many nets, knowingly or unknowingly, and if we expand our metacognition to this multiple frame (visible or invisible) the possibilities are enormous to enrich our potential. Imagine if everyone involved in education, distance education and online learning is thinking about how well we are making connections of various types, it will be an inspiring cognitive journey. Opportunities for creativity will be many folds. A hypothesis is to collect data and see when the learner and teacher both are working with a cognitive awareness of making connections of various types; the learning environment can be enriched to a certain level. Research from various subject specialists can bring rich data to understand the depth of making multiple connections. Our creative awareness of living in multiple-nets can empower some hidden potentials. In the field of distance education and online learning the emphasis on making best use of learning through connecting with the learning environment can reach a new frame by thinking about how are we making nets of various types! How are we making connections? What are some new possibilities for making connections? Do we consider metacognition of making numerous forms of connections? Our insight can reach a magnificent level—it is time to think about metanetcognition (Meta Net Cognition). It is observed in many situations that we provide information consciously and a problem is solved unconsciously.
We also live in multilingual nets. Multilingual cities have a power for making strong linguistic connections. People with more than one language fluency can contribute in many ways. People with education from more than one country can also bring variety of perspectives. A pathway to connect with specific language groups can make education highly useful and inspire learning. If these dimensions are transformed in online and distance education, the multidisciplinary impact can make new nets. Linguistics-net and internet with a new geographical and cultural power can enrich distance education net.
Through theory, research and practice, we can explore more about multiple-nets, in the expanding universe of nets around us. Everyone has their own ways of creativity and effective education can provide opportunities to flourish it. Forming cognitive-nets & social-nets can inspire creativity with the power of cognitive diversity.
By- Altaf Qadeer (Ph.D.)  

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